Cubicle Curtains
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Our cubicle curtains are hassle-free, affordable, and can be easily modified depending on your space. We pride ourselves on being a simple, budget-friendly solution, saving you time and money.

CustomCube Interloc Curtain and Track Kits
The new standard in hospitals, assisted living facilities, medical clinics, and anywhere else room division and privacy are needed.
We make sure our systems are easy to install and allow you to connect as many panels as you need while being able to swap and move around to accommodate changing needs.
3 Unique Colors
We deliver high-quality custom cubicle curtain systems for hospitals, nursing homes, and other medical facilities.

Heavy Duty for Any Commercial Application
CustomCube provides you with a large selection of custom cubicle curtains, cubicle curtain tracks, and our labor-saving Interloc Snap System to meet your every need.
We have over 40 years of experience fabricating and providing custom cubicle curtain systems per our customer’s specifications. We aim to deliver high-quality, affordable, custom systems for any and all medical, research, and clinical facilities.
We use the same tracks found in medical facilities and labs – so you know the structural integrity of our products is our number one priority. We pride ourselves on supplying safe, durable, and easy solutions for your commercial applications.
Three Ways to Order Flexible or Aluminum Track
See How Our Customers Are Using CustomCube Tracks